How to Easily Cancel Your Lazy Dog Beer Club Membership?

How to Easily Cancel Your Lazy Dog Beer Club Membership

Have you been loving your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership? Getting those quarterly beer kits packed with exclusive craft beers is pretty sweet. But maybe now you’re looking to cancel your membership for some reason.

Hey, it happens! Life changes, budgets change, beer tastes change.

No worries if you need to cancel. The process is actually really simple if you know what to do.

In this detailed guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about canceling your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership successfully:

  • How the Lazy Dog Beer Club works
  • When to consider cancellation
  • Step-by-step cancellation process
  • Picking up remaining beer kits
  • What happens after you cancel
  • Rejoining in the future

Let’s start by looking at what this beer club is all about…

What is the Lazy Dog Beer Club?

The Lazy Dog Beer Club is a subscription-based beer club offered by Lazy Dog Restaurants.

With locations across the U.S. like California, Colorado, Nevada, and more, Lazy Dog wanted to give beer lovers a way to try unique craft beers from top breweries around the country.

Here’s an overview of how the beer club works:

  • Quarterly beer kits – Members receive a themed kit each quarter containing 8 craft beers (2 cans/bottles of 4 styles)
  • Brewery collaborations – Beers are brewed exclusively for the beer club in collaboration with different breweries
  • Pickup at Lazy Dog – Kits must be picked up at your chosen “home” Lazy Dog location
  • Membership perks – Discounts on draft beer, takeout, and merchandise plus priority seating
  • Quarterly pricing – $39 per quarter plus tax

The beer club gives members opportunities to try rare, small-batch beers not available anywhere else.

But you may eventually decide the membership no longer fits your needs or budget. Let’s look at how to cancel your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership when that happens…

When Should You Consider Cancelling Your Membership?

Before immediately rushing to cancel your beer club membership, take a minute to think through what’s changed.

Here are some common reasons people cancel their Lazy Dog Beer Club subscriptions:

  • Moved away from a Lazy Dog location
  • Beer tastes changed
  • Can’t pick up beer kits as often
  • Financial changes
  • Life got busier

If the membership is no longer convenient or affordable for you, cancellation may be the right move.

You can either:

  • Pause temporarily – Cancel for a quarter or two and rejoin later. Your account stays open.
  • Cancel completely – Closing your account permanently ends your membership.

Either option works depending on your situation. But think it through before closing your account for good in case you change your mind later.

If you do decide to cancel, keep reading to learn how to do it smoothly…

Step 1: Review the Lazy Dog Beer Club Cancellation Policy

Before canceling your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership, it’s important to review the cancellation policy listed in the terms and conditions:

“If you wish to cancel your membership, you must do so by notifying Lazy Dog Beer Club Member Services at at least 5 days before the end of the quarter.”

For example the quarters end on:

  • March 31
  • June 30
  • September 30
  • December 31

So to avoid getting charged for the next quarter, you need to cancel by:

  • March 26
  • June 25
  • September 25
  • December 26

The terms also state:

“Any fees already charged for any membership are non-refundable.”

So keep these deadlines in mind and know that any fees paid for a quarter are non-refundable if you do cancel.

Step 2: Decide How You Want to Cancel Your Membership

You have two options to cancel your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership:

Cancel by Email

The easiest way to cancel is to email Lazy Dog Beer Club Member Services at

In your email be sure to include:

  • Your full name
  • Lazy Dog Beer Club membership number
  • The date you want your cancellation effective
  • Note you reviewed the cancellation policy and understand non-refundable fees

You should receive a confirmation email within a few business days. Follow up if you don’t get a response.

Cancel by Phone

You can also call (714) 596-9960 to speak with a Lazy Dog Beer Club customer service representative about canceling.

Let the rep know:

  • You wish to cancel your membership
  • The effective cancellation date
  • That you understand the fees

Get confirmation during the call about your cancellation details.

Either email or phone works to cancel. But email creates a helpful paper trail.

Step 3: Cancel Your Membership

Time to pull the plug on your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership!

Follow the steps below to smoothly process your cancellation:

If Cancelling by Email:

  1. Pull up the email for Lazy Dog Beer Club Member Services:
  2. Write a clear subject line like “Cancellation Request – [Your Name]”
  3. Include your full name, membership number, requested cancellation date, and note about the fees
  4. Double check for errors then send the email
  5. Watch for a confirmation email within a few business days

If Cancelling by Phone:

  1. Call Lazy Dog Beer Club customer service at (714) 596-9960
  2. Explain to the representative that you want to cancel your membership
  3. Provide your name, membership number, and requested cancellation date
  4. Note you understand fees are non-refundable
  5. Get confirmation of your cancellation details during the call

And that’s it – you’ve now successfully cancelled your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership!

Step 4: Pick Up Any Remaining Beer Kits

If you cancel mid-quarter, be sure to pick up any remaining beer kits you already paid for.

Kits are available for pickup at your Lazy Dog location for 21 days after the release date.

Most Lazy Dog restaurants will hold kits for canceling members. But call ahead to confirm availability and policies just in case.

Let Lazy Dog know ASAP if you can’t pick up remaining beer so they can release it for other members.

Once you pick up your last kits, enjoy them as a farewell toast to your membership! 🍻

Step 5: Review Account Closure Details

A few days after processing your cancellation request, log into your Lazy Dog Beer Club account.

Confirm that:

  • Your membership is listed as closed
  • There are no pending renewal charges

Immediately reach out to Lazy Dog Beer Club customer service if you notice any issues with the account closure.

Following up ensures you don’t get incorrectly charged for another quarter.

What Happens After Cancelling Your Lazy Dog Beer Club Membership?

Once your cancellation is complete, here’s what happens on both ends:

For You:

  • Membership perks like beer discounts and priority seating will be deactivated
  • Your account will show as closed unless you paused membership temporarily
  • You can sign back up in the future, but will start over as a new member

For Lazy Dog Beer Club:

  • They process and record your membership cancellation
  • Your info is removed from marketing and engagement contacts
  • You won’t be charged future quarterly payments
  • They can re-open your account later if you rejoin

And that wraps up the Lazy Dog Beer Club cancellation process!

Can You Rejoin the Beer Club After Cancelling?

Yes, you can sign up again anytime after canceling your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership. Here’s an overview:

  • If you rejoin in the same quarter you canceled, your existing account will be reactivated.
  • If you rejoin in a future quarter, you’ll likely need to create a new account from scratch.
  • You’ll start over at the base membership level without any tenure perks.
  • Your member number will be different when you rejoin later.

So feel free to cancel and come back to the beer club later! Of course, you probably want to make sure the circumstances that led to cancelling have changed before signing up again.

For example, if you moved far away from Lazy Dog locations, the membership wouldn’t make much sense anymore.

But if you just needed a short financial breather, go ahead and restart your membership when you can.

Key Takeaways for Canceling Lazy Dog Beer Club

To recap, here are the key things to remember when you need to cancel your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership:

  • Review the cancellation policy – you must notify them at least 5 days before the quarter ends to avoid charges
  • Cancel via email or phone call to customer service
  • Provide your membership details and requested cancellation date
  • Pick up any remaining beer kits you already paid for
  • Confirm your account is closed and no renewals are pending
  • You can rejoin in the future but will start over as a new member

Alternative Beer Clubs to Consider After Cancellation

Once you cancel your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership, it may be a good time to explore other craft beer subscription options.

Here are some popular alternatives to consider:

The Microbrewed Beer of the Month Club

  • Get 12 different beers from award-winning microbreweries
  • Choose from all ales, all lagers, or a mix
  • Ships to most U.S. states

Craft Beer Club

  • 12 unique craft beers every month
  • Half are American craft, half are international
  • Also offer wine, cider, and coffee clubs

Beer Drop

  • Curated monthly boxes of 9-12 craft beers
  • Get a mix of styles or customize preferences
  • Order as monthly or one-time boxes


  • Monthly or bimonthly beer boxes
  • Choose from 4 box styles like IPA Sampler
  • Reorder favorites from past boxes

See what new beer club subscriptions fit your tastes after evaluating what you liked or didn’t like about Lazy Dog Beer Club.

Common Questions About Cancelling Lazy Dog Beer Club

Have more questions about canceling your membership? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

How do I get a refund if I already paid for the next quarter?

Unfortunately, Lazy Dog Beer Club does not offer refunds for already-charged membership fees per the cancellation policy. Any fees paid for a quarter are non-refundable.

Can I cancel by stopping my credit card payments?

You need to directly notify Lazy Dog Beer Club to properly cancel. Simply stopping payments may cause account issues.

What happens to my membership perks if I cancel?

Your discounts and benefits will be deactivated when your cancellation is processed. You would need to rejoin to access perks again.

Can I give my remaining beer kits to a friend if I cancel?

No, beer kits can only be picked up by the membership account holder with valid ID. You cannot transfer kits if you cancel.

How soon can I rejoin if I cancel my membership?

You can sign up again anytime! Your account may be reopened if rejoining in the same quarter. Otherwise, you’ll likely need to create a new account later.

The Bottom Line: Canceling the Beer Club is Simple

Hopefully now you feel confident about how to cancel your Lazy Dog Beer Club membership smoothly when needed!

The process only takes a few minutes if you follow the proper steps:

  1. Review cancellation policy deadlines
  2. Notify customer service by email or phone
  3. Confirm account closure
  4. Pick up remaining beer kits
  5. Consider new beer subscriptions

While parting ways is bittersweet, the upside is getting to discover exciting new craft beer clubs that may suit your tastes even better. With so many options out there today, the possibilities are endless.

So don’t feel locked into a membership if your needs change. Cancel Lazy Dog Beer Club hassle-free using this guide. Just be sure to close your account properly and enjoy those last beer perks.

Here’s to exciting beer discoveries ahead! 🍻

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