How to Cancel Midjourney AI Subscription – Step-by-Step

How to Cancel Midjourney AI Subscription

How do you cancel your Midjourney AI subscription? This is a common question asked by many users who want to cut costs or no longer need the powerful AI image generator. Canceling your Midjourney plan is a straightforward process, but it’s not always obvious where to find the cancellation option.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the exact steps to cancel your Midjourney subscription, including how to potentially get a refund. We’ll also cover what happens after you cancel, alternatives to Midjourney, and using the free version.

What is Midjourney?

Before we dive into how to cancel, let’s quickly cover what Midjourney is for those unfamiliar. Midjourney is a subscription-based AI tool that generates unique images from textual descriptions. Using advanced machine learning models, it can create incredibly realistic and detailed images based on your prompts.

Midjourney operates primarily through the Discord app, where you enter prompts and receive your AI-generated images. While there is a free trial, a paid subscription unlocks more features and usage time.

Midjourney Subscription Plans and Pricing

Midjourney offers four different subscription tiers so you can choose the plan that best fits your needs and budget:

Basic Plan

  • $10 per month
  • 3.3 hours of fast GPU time per month
  • Personal and non-commercial use

Standard Plan

  • $30 per month
  • 15 hours of fast GPU time per month
  • General commercial usage rights

Pro Plan

  • $60 per month
  • 30 hours of fast GPU time per month
  • Unlimited relaxed GPU time
  • Stealth mode and increased job limits
  • Commercial usage rights

Mega Plan

  • $120 per month
  • 60 hours of fast GPU time per month
  • Unlimited relaxed GPU time
  • Highest job limits
  • Commercial usage rights

All plans include access to the Midjourney member gallery and official Discord server. You can also purchase extra GPU time at $4/hour if needed.

Reasons to Cancel Your Midjourney Subscription

There are several common reasons why someone may want to cancel their Midjourney AI subscription plan:

  • No longer need or use the service – If you completed your image generation projects or found Midjourney doesn’t meet your needs, canceling frees up the monthly cost.
  • Want to cut recurring expenses – Subscription services can add up quickly. Canceling Midjourney could be part of reducing your overall monthly bills.
  • Testing it out temporarily – Some users may just want to try Midjourney for a month or two before deciding if they want to keep subscribing long-term.
  • Switching to an alternative tool – If you find another AI image generator that better suits your requirements, canceling Midjourney may make sense.

No matter the reason, Midjourney makes it easy to cancel your plan directly through their website.

How to Cancel Your Midjourney Subscription

Canceling your Midjourney AI subscription only takes a few simple steps:

Step 1: Sign into your Midjourney account Go to and click the “Sign In” button in the bottom right. You’ll then authorize the Midjourney bot to connect with your Discord account.

Step 2: Navigate to the subscription management page Once logged in, click on “Manage Sub” in the left sidebar. This will take you to the page showing your current subscription plan details.

Step 3: Locate and click the “Cancel Subscription” button Next to the plan information, there will be a “Manage” button. Click this, and then select the “Cancel Plan” option that appears.

Step 4: Confirm the cancellation A pop-up window will ask you to confirm canceling your Midjourney subscription plan. Click “Confirm Cancellation” to proceed.

Step 5: Your subscription remains active until the billing cycle ends One important note – your Midjourney account and all subscription benefits will still be active until the end of your current billing period. After that billing date, your plan will terminate and you’ll lose access.

Those are the straightforward steps to cancel your Midjourney AI subscription through their website. But what if you want to cancel through Discord instead?

Canceling on the Website vs Discord

While Midjourney operates primarily through Discord for entering image prompts, you can only cancel your paid subscription through their website. There isn’t a dedicated Discord command to handle cancellations.

Be sure to follow the steps above on, not through the Discord app. Canceling through the website is definitely the proper and only way to end your Midjourney subscription.

Getting a Refund When Canceling

In some cases, you may be eligible for a refund on your most recent Midjourney subscription payment when canceling. However, this refund option only applies if you have used less than 20 GPU minutes since your last billing date.

If you qualify, the cancellation pop-up will give you the choice to cancel immediately and receive a refund for the latest payment. Or you can opt to have the subscription remain active until the next billing cycle.

Watch for the refund prompt during cancellation. It offers a way to get your money back if you barely used Midjourney that billing period.

What Happens After Canceling Midjourney?

So you’ve successfully canceled your Midjourney subscription – now what? Here are a few important things to note about what occurs after cancellation:

  • You retain subscription benefits until billing cycle ends – As mentioned, your account will remain fully active until the end of your current billing period when you cancel. All paid features are still usable.
  • You keep access to previously created images/generations – Any AI images or image generations you made while subscribed to Midjourney will not be lost or deleted. You maintain access and rights to these.
  • You can re-subscribe at any time later on – If you change your mind down the road, your account will still exist and you can easily re-subscribe to Midjourney on their website.
  • You may lose access to the member gallery and Discord server – Depending on Midjourney’s policies, some exclusive tools and community access may terminate after your billing cycle upon cancellation.

Canceling does not delete your Midjourney account or image history. It only ends your paid subscription after the current billing period completes, until you choose to re-subscribe.

Canceling Other AI Image Generators

While this guide focused specifically on canceling a Midjourney subscription, the process is generally similar for other AI image generation tools and services like:

  • DALL-E 3
  • Stable Diffusion
  • Deep AI
  • NightCafe
  • StarryAI

Most will require you to log into your account on their website, navigate to a subscription management area, and go through confirming the cancellation of your plan. Easy peasy.

The specific steps, buttons, and option wording for canceling may differ slightly across platforms. Locate the proper cancellation instructions by exploring your account settings area.

Alternatives to Midjourney

Are you looking to potentially replace Midjourney with another AI image tool? Whether motivated by costs or feature differences, there are numerous Midjourney alternatives to consider:

Paid Alternatives

  • DALL-E 3 – OpenAI’s powerful text-to-image generator
  • Deep AI – Specializes in photorealistic human images
  • NightCafe – Stylized artwork and different AI models
  • StarryAI – Affordable pay-as-you-go pricing

Free Alternatives

  • Stable Diffusion – Open source with many custom models
  • DreamStudio – Developed by Stable Diffusion creators
  • Craiyon – Basic but entirely free to use

Each AI image generator has its own unique strengths, weaknesses, and pricing models. Do some research on the different options to see if any fit your needs and budget better than Midjourney.

Using the Free Midjourney Version

Finally, don’t forget that Midjourney does offer a free version of their service, even after canceling a paid subscription. However, the free plan is extremely limited.

With the free Midjourney tier, you only get around 25 image generations per month with relatively slow processing times. You also can’t upscale or vary images once created.

The free Midjourney version allows very light testing but will be too restrictive for most real usage. It could appeal to some casual users on an extremely limited budget.

Wrapping Up

Canceling your Midjourney AI subscription is a straightforward process that just takes a few clicks on their website. Be sure to follow the proper steps:

  1. Sign into your account on
  2. Go to the “Manage Sub” area
  3. Click “Cancel Plan”
  4. Confirm the cancellation when prompted

Remember, your Midjourney account will remain active until the end of your current billing cycle after canceling. This allows you to continue using the service until that period is complete.

If you’ve used less than 20 GPU minutes since your last billing date, keep an eye out for the option to get a refund for that month’s subscription fee when going through the cancellation process.

Even after your Midjourney subscription ends, you’ll retain access to all the AI-generated images and image generations you created while an active subscriber. You can also choose to re-subscribe at any later date if needed.

For those looking to reduce costs or switch to an alternative, there are plenty of other AI image generation tools worth exploring like DALL-E 3, Stable Diffusion, Deep AI, and more. Each has their own unique features, pricing models, and strengths to consider.

And if you just need very basic image generation capabilities, you can always fall back to using Midjourney’s free plan after canceling your paid subscription. Just keep in mind the free version is extremely limited.

Ultimately, canceling a Midjourney subscription is a simple process through their website. As long as you follow the proper steps, you can easily terminate your plan while still retaining your created image assets and the ability to re-subscribe down the road if desired.

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