How To Cancel Disney Tickets & Get a Refund?

How To Cancel Disney Tickets & Get a Refund

Have you ever spent months planning the perfect Disney vacation, only to have something come up that forces you to cancel your trip? It’s every Disney fan’s worst nightmare. You’ve already invested so much time and money into the theme park tickets, hotel, flights, and more. But now, due to unforeseen circumstances, you need to cancel your dream trip.

Can you get a refund on your Disney tickets?

The short answer is – it’s complicated. Disney tickets are generally non-refundable, meaning you can’t just get your money back by asking. However, all is not lost if you need to cancel your Disney vacation. You still have options to reuse the value of your tickets, change the dates, or potentially get special exceptions for refunds under certain circumstances.

In this detailed guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about canceling your Disney trip, including:

  • Determining if your Disney tickets are refundable
  • How to change the dates on your unused Disney tickets
  • Disney’s special hurricane cancellation and refund policy
  • Steps for requesting a refund from Disney as a last resort
  • Where to buy officially refundable discount Disney tickets
  • Key things to remember about canceling Walt Disney World and Disneyland tickets

Let’s start by going over the official Disney cancellation and refund policies.

Disney Ticket Cancellation and Refund Policies

Before anything else, you need to check the cancellation policy associated with how and where you purchased your Disney tickets. There are a few key things to understand:

Tickets Bought Directly From Disney Are Non-Refundable

If you booked your theme park tickets directly through the Disney website, app, or over the phone, the official policy states clearly:

“Tickets and packages at Walt Disney World Resort are nontransferable and nonrefundable.”

So standard Disney vacation tickets, whether single or multi-day, are not refundable through official channels. In the Disney ticket terms and conditions, they also emphasize:

“All tickets and options are nontransferable and nonrefundable.”

The only thing mentioned is that for wholly unused tickets, you can apply the price you paid towards future Disney tickets at today’s gate prices. We’ll expand more on reusing unused tickets later.

Unused Tickets Retain Their Value For Future Visits

In both Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort policies, unused park tickets retain their value.

You can use the full original price you paid on wholly unused tickets as credit towards buying new Disney tickets at current gate prices in the future. The new tickets must be equal or higher value to use that credit.

This lets you postpone your vacation if something comes up rather than losing all your money. Just hold onto the unused tickets or keep them linked in your Disney Experience account.

Partially Used Tickets Cannot Be Refunded or Reused

Here’s the big catch to be aware of – if you link your tickets and enter the parks at all, your tickets can no longer be refunded or transferred in any way.

According to the Disney World ticket terms, “nonrefundable tickets cannot be transferred or reused” once activated and used.

So if you end up having to cancel your Disney trip partway through, the value left on unused days of a multi-day ticket gets forfeited. Make sure to consider travel insurance for Disney vacations over around 3 days in this case.

Changing the Dates on Your Disney Tickets

If you need to cancel your upcoming trip but hope to reschedule in the future, changing your ticket dates is your best bet. You can conveniently modify the start date for unused tickets to push them out.

Here are a few key things to know about date changes for Disney tickets:

You Can Reschedule Unused Ticket Dates Easily Online

Thanks to Disney’s date-based ticketing system, it’s simple to change the date ranges to postpone unused tickets. You can do this yourself online via the My Disney Experience website or mobile app:

  1. Log into your Disney account
  2. Access your existing ticket reservations
  3. Select the “Change Ticket” option
  4. Choose a new start date and date range

As long as your tickets haven’t been activated at the parks, you can modify and push out dates endlessly.

Pay Any Ticket Price Differences For New Travel Dates

One catch when you modify the tickets is that Disney has variable ticket pricing based on demand for different Disney World seasons and weekends.

If your new dates fall into a higher ticket price tier, you’ll pay the price difference per ticket. But you won’t get a refund if you choose dates in lower demand periods with cheaper ticket costs.

So if possible, opt to reschedule your cancelled Disney trip during lower crowds and room rates. September and January-February are generally the best times to visit. Just avoid major holidays.

Push Dates Out Indefinitely If Unsure Of Return Trip

If you need to cancel your Disney trip but don’t know when you’ll be able to plan another one, all is not lost.

Since unused date-based Disney tickets no longer expire, you can continually push your dates out indefinitely into the future. Disney allows you to modify start dates as long as tickets remain open for booking.

When you eventually do arrange a return Disney World or Disneyland trip, you simply set your updated travel dates. Then your old tickets will be ready and waiting to be activated!

Disney’s Exception Hurricane Cancellation and Refund Policy

While Disney does not provide refunds for tickets under normal circumstances, they do make a special hurricane exception. If a hurricane impacts your trip, you can receive full refunds or cancel Disney resort packages and tickets without any fees.

The Disney hurricane cancellation policy states:

“If a hurricane warning is issued within 7 days of your scheduled arrival date for either Orlando or your place of residence, you can cancel or reschedule Disney Resort hotel packages and tickets without any fees.”

This applies to:

  • Walt Disney World resort hotel packages
  • Most Disney World room-only hotel bookings
  • Disney event tickets and dining packages

The big catch is that this policy only covers portions of the Disney trip booked directly through Disney itself. Any parts involving third parties like flights, rental cars, or non-Disney hotels are not guaranteed to offer refunds.

So if a hurricane is headed towards Disney World from June to November, take advantage of Disney’s generous cancellation policy ASAP. Rebook your dream Disney trip for another time minus the weather worries or lost money.

Requesting Ticket Refunds From Disney as a Last Resort

Beyond date changes or hurricanes, actually getting a full cash refund for your Disney tickets is extremely unlikely. Technically against policy, but some Disney guests do report success getting at least partial refunds or credits in special unavoidable circumstances.

Here are a few tips just in case you want to politely plead your situation and see if a generous Cast Member can work some magic for your cancelled Disney plans:

Contact Disney With Your Full Explanation

The key is to connect with an understanding Cast Member willing to bend the rules. There’s no guarantee you’ll find one, but it doesn’t hurt to kindly explain:

  • What unavoidable circumstances derailed your existing Disney trip
  • Why you unfortunately need to request a ticket refund
  • Any financial difficulties if credits aren’t possible

Be prepared for them to initially say “no refunds are offered.” Don’t argue, just politely ask if there’s any way exceptions can be considered or if a credit could be extended instead.

Be Extremely Nice – Disney Rewards Politeness

Disney Cast Members have a lot more incentive to help those who treat them with kindness and understanding. Bring up your situation apologetically, acknowledge standard policy, thank them earnestly for any advice they can provide.

If you don’t like the tone from the initial Cast Member you reach, call back and try again later. Some will be more willing to assist. Just stay friendly and relaxed – Disney excels at customer service and rewarding positive guest attitudes.

At best, the Cast Member may be able to offer you a partial credit towards future Disney ticket purchases or experiences. This still means out of pocket losses on your end, but recoups some of the value paid if you book another Disney trip.

They unfortunately cannot guarantee any refunds or credits considering Disney’s official ticket policies. But occasionally magical exceptions happen, especially for guests facing extenuating circumstances.

If any credits or refunds get extended, be sure to get all details in writing, along with names and confirmation numbers. Follow up if translations to actual money or new tickets don’t occur downstream.

Buy Refundable Discount Disney Tickets From the Start

To avoid the headache of trying to get refunds on cancelled Walt Disney World or Disneyland trips, book through an authorized ticket discount provider that offers more flexible policies.

Most reputable sellers let you get a full or partial refund on unused Disney tickets within a certain window if your plans unexpectedly change.

For example, recommended ticket seller Undercover Tourist has:

“A 365-Day Return Policy – 95% of the item(s) order amount will be refunded back to you. Tickets must have been purchased within the last 365 days and not gone past the start date selected.”

Just don’t mistakenly link or activate the tickets before requesting a refund – third party sellers can’t issue refunds once tickets get used at Disney parks.

When comparing Disney ticket discounts initially, be sure to factor in cancellation policies. Paying a little extra upfront is often worth more flexible refund or rescheduling options.

Key Things To Remember About Canceling Disney Tickets

To quickly recap your options if needing to cancel Disney theme park tickets:

  • Unused Tickets – Change dates or apply value towards future tickets
  • Partially Used Tickets – No refunds or changes possible
  • Hurricane Impact – Get refunds on Disney packages
  • Last Resort Pleas – Possibly a credit, unlikely full refund
  • Buy Refundable Tickets – From third party seller instead

While Disney tickets are generally non-refundable, don’t panic all is not lost if an emergency disrupts your magical Disney plans. You still have options to reschedule trips or reuse ticket values. Just don’t preemptively link or use tickets assuming a refund possibility later on.

Hopefully any unexpected hurdles that arise get resolved smoothly and you can comfortably continue anticipating magical Disney memories again soon. Reach out with any other Disney cancellation or rebooking questions!


Canceling eagerly awaited Walt Disney World or Disneyland vacations is a huge letdown. But even if life throws a wrench in your plans, try not to panic. Take the time to fully understand options for changing Disney trip dates, reusing ticket value, or potentially getting an exception in extreme circumstances.

Just don’t assume Disney will issues refunds if tickets get linked into your Disney account or activated at the parks before a cancellation. Protect yourself by purchasing flexible third party tickets when possible or double checking purported refund policies.

With an extra dose of pixie dust luck, you’ll get past the immediate disappointment and be reliving Disney magic again soon. Handling the logistics smoothly helps minimize financial losses. Then you can refocus energy back on anticipation rather than stress!

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