How to Cancel Hotworx Membership: Step-by-Step Guide

A person cancelling their Hotworx membership online

The Hotworx fitness craze has been sweeping the nation, with its innovative approach to exercise involving infrared heat and isometric workouts in a sauna-like environment. However, as popular as Hotworx has become, not everyone may find this intense workout routine to be the right fit. Whether due to health concerns, scheduling conflicts, or simply wanting to explore other options, you may find yourself in need of canceling your Hotworx membership.

But how exactly do you go about canceling a Hotworx membership?

Canceling your Hotworx membership can be tricky due to strict rules, notice periods, and potential fees. This guide will help you properly end your membership without any issues or unexpected charges.

In this comprehensive post, we’ll cover the key aspects of canceling your Hotworx membership, including understanding your contract terms, following the required notice periods, properly submitting cancellation requests, avoiding fees, freezing your membership as an alternative option, and tips for a smooth cancellation experience.

Understanding Your Hotworx Membership Terms

Before diving into the cancellation process, it’s crucial to understand the terms of your Hotworx membership agreement. When you initially signed up for a Hotworx membership, you likely committed to an initial 90-day membership term. During this period, Hotworx does not allow you to cancel your membership.

After this initial 90-day period is complete, your Hotworx membership automatically rolls over to a month-to-month subscription model. However, even at this point, you can’t simply cancel your membership without proper notice.

Hotworx requires members to provide a 60-day cancellation notice before terminating their membership. This means that if you want to cancel after your initial 90-day commitment, you’ll need to give Hotworx two months’ notice, essentially requiring you to pay for a minimum of five months of membership.

To fully understand the specific terms and conditions surrounding your Hotworx membership, be sure to review the contract you signed carefully. While Hotworx does not make its membership policies publicly available online, the contract should outline all the details, including the notice period required for cancellation and any potential fees involved.

Step 1: Give 60-Day Cancellation Notice After Initial Period

Once you’ve completed the initial 90-day membership term at Hotworx, you can begin the cancellation process by submitting a 60-day notice. This notice must be provided after your first 90 days, as Hotworx will not allow you to cancel during that initial period.

There are two acceptable methods for submitting your 60-day cancellation notice:

  1. In Person: Visit your local Hotworx studio location and speak with a manager. Clearly state your intention to cancel your membership and request the necessary cancellation paperwork to complete and submit.
  2. Certified Mail: You can also submit your 60-day cancellation notice via certified mail to your local Hotworx studio. This provides you with a paper trail and proof of submission.

When you submit your 60-day notice, Hotworx may require upfront payment of the next two months’ fees before processing your cancellation, keeping your membership active for 60 days.

What If I Want to Cancel During the Initial 90 Days?

As mentioned, Hotworx does not typically allow members to cancel their membership during the initial 90-day commitment period. However, if you insist on canceling before this period is complete, Hotworx may accommodate your request – but there will be a fee involved.

If you attempt to cancel your Hotworx membership before your 90-day initial term is up, you will be charged an early cancellation fee of $99. Additionally, this type of early cancellation request must be made in person at your local Hotworx studio location.

Canceling during the initial 90-day period may not be necessary, as it comes with a $99 fee, adding to the membership costs you’ve already paid.

Step 2: Visit the Studio and Request Cancellation Form

To cancel your Hotworx membership, you’ll need to visit your local studio in person.

When you arrive at the studio, politely request to speak with a manager or staff member who can provide you with the official membership cancellation form. This form will likely require you to provide your personal information, membership details, and the reason for your cancellation request.

Once you have the cancellation form in hand, it’s generally recommended to take it home and review it thoroughly before submitting it. This allows you to ensure all information is accurate and to make copies of the form for your records.

After carefully reviewing and completing the cancellation form, you can return the original copy to the Hotworx studio in person. Be sure to obtain a receipt or confirmation from the staff member that your cancellation request has been properly submitted and received.

Keeping copies of all documentation related to your cancellation request is crucial in case any issues or disputes arise down the line. It provides you with a paper trail and proof of your actions should you need to reference the details later.

Freezing Your Membership as an Alternative

If you’re unsure about permanently canceling your Hotworx membership or simply need to take a temporary break, freezing your membership may be a viable alternative option to explore.

Hotworx allows members to freeze their memberships for up to 3 months at a time. During this freeze period, you will be charged a reduced fee of $9 per month instead of your regular membership rate.

When your membership is frozen, you can’t access Hotworx studios or participate in their workouts and classes.

To request a membership freeze, you can either visit your local Hotworx studio in person or submit your request via certified mail. Be sure to specify the desired duration of the freeze (up to three months) and confirm the $9 monthly freeze fee that will be charged.

Freezing your membership can be a useful solution if you’re dealing with temporary circumstances that prevent you from fully utilizing your Hotworx membership, such as an injury, travel plans, or other personal reasons. It allows you to press pause on your membership without having to go through the full cancellation process, making it easier to resume your membership once you’re ready.

Using a Doctor’s Note

In some cases, Hotworx may allow members to cancel their membership without fees or penalties if they have a valid medical reason supported by a doctor’s note. If your physician advises against continuing with Hotworx’s intense infrared workouts due to health concerns, you may be able to provide this documentation to request an exception to the standard cancellation policies.

Hotworx hasn’t officially said if they accept doctor’s notes to cancel membership without a fee. Success may vary by studio and management discretion.

If you plan to pursue this route, be sure to obtain a detailed letter from your doctor clearly stating their professional recommendation against participating in Hotworx’s workout program and the specific medical reasons behind this advice.

What Happens After Cancellation?

Once your Hotworx membership has been officially canceled, either after completing the 60-day notice period or paying the early termination fee, you will lose access to all Hotworx studio locations and the ability to participate in their workouts and classes.

If you rejoin Hotworx after canceling, you’ll pay the full enrollment fee and current membership rates. Previous fees, discounts, or special rates won’t apply.

Essentially, canceling your Hotworx membership means starting from scratch if you decide to become a member again down the line. This is why it’s crucial to carefully consider your decision to cancel, as rejoining may involve additional costs and commitments.

Cancellation Tips and Mistakes to Avoid

Navigating the Hotworx membership cancellation process can be confusing and frustrating, but there are steps you can take to ensure a smoother experience:

  • Be Polite but Firm: When dealing with Hotworx staff in person, it’s important to remain polite and respectful while also being firm and clear about your intention to cancel. Avoid getting confrontational or accusatory, as this is unlikely to be helpful.
  • Don’t Ignore Cancellation Windows: Failing to provide proper notice or attempting to cancel outside of the designated periods can result in unwanted fees or complications. Follow the 60-day notice period after your initial 90 days to the letter.
  • Keep Thorough Records: Retain copies of all documentation related to your cancellation, including the completed cancellation form, any correspondence with Hotworx staff, and proof of submission via certified mail (if applicable). This paper trail can be invaluable if any disputes arise.
  • Consider Freezing First: If you’re unsure about permanently canceling, explore the option of freezing your membership for up to three months first. This allows you to take a break without fully terminating your membership.
  • Don’t Abandon Payments: Even after submitting your cancellation notice, continue to make your scheduled membership payments until the cancellation is fully processed. Missed payments could result in additional fees or complications.
  • Provide Feedback (Optional): If there were specific reasons you were dissatisfied with your Hotworx experience, you may choose to provide polite feedback to the management team. However, this is optional and should not be done in a confrontational manner.

Follow these tips and avoid common mistakes to make canceling with Hotworx smooth and hassle-free.

The Bottom Lines

Canceling a Hotworx membership can undoubtedly be a confusing and frustrating process, with strict policies, notice periods, and potential fees to navigate. However, by understanding the key steps and requirements outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can approach the cancellation process with confidence and minimize any unnecessary complications or charges.

Properly canceling your Hotworx membership depends on a few key things:

  1. Carefully review your membership contract to understand the specific terms and conditions.
  2. Providing the required 60-day cancellation notice after completing the initial 90-day commitment period.
  3. Submitting your cancellation request in person at your local Hotworx studio or via certified mail.
  4. Being prepared to pay any outstanding membership fees or upfront charges during the notice period.
  5. Keeping thorough records of all cancellation documentation and correspondence.
  6. Consider a membership freeze as an alternative if you’re unsure about permanently canceling.

By following these steps and the additional tips provided in this guide, you can navigate the Hotworx cancellation process smoothly and efficiently, ensuring that you properly terminate your membership without any undue hassles or surprise fees.

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