How to Cancel a Fiverr Order? Guide for Sellers & Buyers

How to Cancel a Fiverr Order

Fiverr is a popular online marketplace that connects freelancers (sellers) with clients (buyers) from around the world. With its user-friendly platform and diverse range of services, Fiverr has become a go-to destination for businesses and individuals seeking skilled professionals to complete various tasks and projects.

However, despite the platform’s best efforts to ensure smooth transactions, there may be instances where either the seller or the buyer needs to cancel an order. Cancellations can occur due to various reasons, such as miscommunication, changes in requirements, or unforeseen circumstances.

So, how do you cancel an order on Fiverr, and what are the consequences?

The short answer is that both sellers and buyers have the option to initiate a cancellation request through Fiverr’s Resolution Center. If the other party accepts the request or fails to respond within a specified timeframe, the order is automatically canceled.

This guide explains how to cancel a Fiverr order:

  • Common reasons for canceling orders (from both seller and buyer perspectives)
  • Step-by-step instructions for sellers and buyers to cancel an order
  • Types of order cancellations on Fiverr
  • What to do if the other party declines your cancellation request
  • The impact of order cancellations on sellers and buyers
  • Tips to avoid order cancellations
  • Fiverr’s policies and guidelines regarding order cancellations
  • Frequently asked questions about canceling orders on Fiverr

Whether you’re a seller looking to maintain a high order completion rate or a buyer seeking a smooth refund process, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and best practices to navigate the order cancellation process on Fiverr effectively.

What is Fiverr and Why Order Cancellation Matters

Before we dive into the specifics of how to cancel a Fiverr order, let’s briefly understand what Fiverr is and why the order cancellation process is crucial for both sellers and buyers.

Fiverr is an online freelancing platform that connects skilled professionals (sellers) with clients (buyers) seeking various services, ranging from graphic design and writing to programming and digital marketing. Sellers create “Gigs” showcasing their services, and buyers can browse and purchase these Gigs according to their requirements.

For sellers, maintaining a high order completion rate is essential, as it directly impacts their visibility and rankings on the platform. Canceling orders can negatively affect this metric, potentially leading to fewer impressions and clicks on their Gigs. Additionally, canceled orders result in lost potential earnings, making it crucial for sellers to handle cancellations carefully.

On the other hand, buyers rely on Fiverr to find reliable professionals who can deliver quality work within agreed-upon timeframes and requirements. Canceling an order may become necessary if the seller fails to meet these expectations or if the buyer’s needs change. In such cases, a smooth and efficient cancellation process is vital to ensure a positive experience and prompt refunds.

Reasons for Canceling a Fiverr Order

Before we explore the step-by-step process of canceling an order on Fiverr, it’s essential to understand the common reasons why sellers and buyers might need to initiate a cancellation.

Common Reasons for Sellers to Cancel

  1. Buyer Demands Work Outside of Agreed Scope: Sometimes, buyers may request additional services or changes that fall outside the scope of the original Gig. If the seller is unable or unwilling to accommodate these requests, canceling the order may be the best solution.
  2. Missed Deadlines Due to Unavoidable Circumstances: Unforeseen events, such as personal emergencies or technical difficulties, can prevent sellers from delivering the work on time. In such cases, canceling the order may be preferable to risking a negative review or dissatisfied buyer.
  3. Unprofessional Behavior or Lack of Cooperation from the Buyer: If a buyer exhibits unprofessional conduct, such as making unreasonable demands, refusing to provide necessary information, or engaging in harassment, the seller may choose to cancel the order to avoid further complications.
  4. Identifying Fraudulent Orders: In rare cases, sellers may encounter orders that appear to be fraudulent or violate Fiverr’s terms of service. Canceling such orders is the appropriate course of action.

Common Reasons for Buyers to Cancel

  1. Work Delivered Does Not Match Requirements: If the seller’s work fails to meet the agreed-upon requirements or specifications, the buyer may need to cancel the order and seek alternative solutions.
  2. Seller Missed Agreed Deadlines: Timely delivery is crucial for many projects, and if the seller consistently misses agreed-upon deadlines, the buyer may choose to cancel the order to avoid further delays.
  3. Unresponsive or Unprofessional Seller: A lack of communication or unprofessional behavior from the seller can frustrate buyers and lead to cancellations, especially if the project requires frequent collaboration or updates.
  4. Dissatisfaction with Quality of Work: In some cases, the buyer may be dissatisfied with the quality of the delivered work, prompting them to cancel the order and seek a more suitable professional.

Canceling an order should be a last resort. Both parties should communicate and try to resolve issues before canceling.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Cancel an Order on Fiverr as a Seller

If you’re a seller on Fiverr and need to cancel an order, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Access the Orders Page

Log in to your Fiverr account and navigate to the “Orders” section. Here, you’ll find a list of all your active and completed orders.

Step 2: Visit the Resolution Center

Locate the order you wish to cancel and click on the “View” button to access the order details. On the order details page, you’ll find the “Resolution Center” option on the right-hand side.

Step 3: Select “Ask Buyer to Cancel Order” Option

Within the Resolution Center, choose the option “Ask Buyer to Cancel Order.” This will initiate the cancellation request process.

Step 4: Choose Cancellation Reason

Fiverr will prompt you to select a reason for canceling the order. Choose the most appropriate option from the provided list or select “Other” if none of the listed reasons apply. Be sure to provide a clear and concise explanation for your cancellation request.

Step 5: Provide Explanation and Submit Request

After selecting the cancellation reason, you’ll have the opportunity to provide a detailed explanation for your request. Use this space to communicate any relevant details or circumstances that led to the cancellation. Once you’re satisfied with your explanation, submit the cancellation request.

Once you submit a cancellation request, the buyer has 48 hours to respond. If they don’t, the order is automatically canceled by Fiverr.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Cancel an Order on Fiverr as a Buyer

To cancel an order on Fiverr as a buyer, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the Orders Page

Log in to your Fiverr account and navigate to the “Orders” section, where you’ll find a list of all your active and completed orders.

Step 2: Visit the Resolution Center

Locate the order you wish to cancel and click on the “View” button to access the order details. On the order details page, you’ll find the “Resolution Center” option on the right-hand side.

Step 3: Select “Cancel Order” Option

Within the Resolution Center, choose the option “Cancel Order.” This will initiate the cancellation request process.

Step 4: Choose Cancellation Reason

Fiverr will prompt you to select a reason for canceling the order. Choose the most appropriate option from the provided list or select “Other” if none of the listed reasons apply. Be sure to provide a clear and concise explanation for your cancellation request.

Step 5: Provide Explanation and Submit Request

After selecting the cancellation reason, you’ll have the opportunity to provide a detailed explanation for your request. Use this space to communicate any relevant details or circumstances that led to the cancellation. Once you’re satisfied with your explanation, submit the cancellation request.

Similar to the seller’s cancellation process, the seller has 48 hours to accept or decline your cancellation request. If the seller fails to respond within this timeframe, the order will be automatically canceled by Fiverr.

If the seller declines your cancellation request, you have the option to contact Fiverr’s customer support team and provide valid reasons and evidence for why the order should be canceled.

Types of Order Cancellations on Fiverr

When it comes to canceling orders on Fiverr, there are three main types of cancellations:

Mutual Cancellations

A mutual cancellation occurs when both the seller and the buyer agree to cancel the order. This type of cancellation typically happens when some issues or misunderstandings cannot be resolved through communication or negotiation. In such cases, both parties can initiate the cancellation process through the Resolution Center, and if both parties accept the cancellation request, the order is canceled.

Buyer or Seller Initiated Cancellations

In this type of cancellation, either the buyer or the seller initiates the cancellation process through the Resolution Center. The other party then has 48 hours to accept or decline the cancellation request. If the other party accepts the request or fails to respond within the 48-hour timeframe, the order is automatically canceled by Fiverr.

Fiverr Support Facilitated Cancellations

In some cases, when the buyer and seller cannot reach an agreement on canceling the order, or if there are valid reasons for cancellation (such as violations of Fiverr’s terms of service), either party can contact Fiverr’s customer support team. The support team will review the case and facilitate the cancellation process if they deem it necessary.

What if the Other Party Declines the Cancellation Request?

If the other party (buyer or seller) declines your cancellation request, you still have the option to reach out to Fiverr’s customer support team. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant information, such as screenshots of communication, order details, and any other evidence that supports your reason for canceling the order.
  2. Contact Fiverr Customer Support: Navigate to Fiverr’s customer support page and submit a request for assistance. Provide a detailed explanation of the situation, including the reasons for cancellation and the evidence you have gathered.
  3. Follow-up: If you do not receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, follow up with Fiverr’s customer support team to ensure your request is being addressed.

Fiverr’s customer support team will review your case and the provided evidence. If they find your reasons for cancellation to be valid, they may facilitate the cancellation process or provide alternative solutions, such as refunds or account reinstatement.

Fiverr’s customer support team resolves disputes fairly and impartially, considering both sides. Clear evidence is key when seeking their help in a cancellation dispute.

Impact of Order Cancellations

While order cancellations are sometimes necessary, it’s essential to understand their potential impact on both sellers and buyers.

For Sellers

Order cancellations can have a significant impact on sellers’ performance metrics and visibility on the Fiverr platform:

  1. Order Completion Rate: Canceling orders can negatively affect a seller’s order completion rate, which is a crucial metric for determining their ranking and visibility on the platform. A lower order completion rate can result in fewer impressions and clicks on a seller’s Gigs, potentially leading to fewer orders and reduced earnings.
  2. Loss of Potential Earnings: Every canceled order represents lost potential earnings for the seller, especially if they have already invested time and resources into the project.

For Buyers

Buyers also face consequences from order cancellations, although differently than sellers:

  1. Delays in Getting Refunds: Depending on the circumstances of the cancellation, buyers may experience delays in receiving refunds for canceled orders. This can be frustrating, especially if the buyer needs to find an alternative solution promptly.
  2. Negative Experience: A cancellation experience, particularly if it involves communication breakdowns or disputes, can leave a negative impression on the buyer, potentially deterring them from using Fiverr in the future.

To mitigate the impact of order cancellations, both sellers and buyers should strive to communicate effectively, set clear expectations, and follow Fiverr’s guidelines and best practices throughout the order process.

Tips to Avoid Order Cancellations

While cancellations are sometimes unavoidable, there are several steps that both sellers and buyers can take to minimize the need for cancellations and ensure a smooth and successful transaction on Fiverr.

Tips for Sellers

  1. Clear Communication of Scope, Requirements, and Pricing: Communicate the scope of your services, project requirements, and pricing upfront. This helps avoid misunderstandings and unrealistic expectations from buyers.
  2. Professionalism and Responsiveness: Maintain a professional and responsive attitude throughout the order process. Promptly address any concerns or questions raised by the buyer, and keep them updated on the project’s progress.
  3. Utilize Fiverr Tools: Take advantage of Fiverr’s tools, such as the ability to extend delivery deadlines or offer extras, if you encounter challenges or need additional time to complete the project.
  4. Manage Expectations: If a buyer’s requirements fall outside the scope of your Gig or your capabilities, politely communicate this and suggest alternative solutions or professionals who may be better suited to their needs.

Tips for Buyers

  1. Specify Requirements Upfront: Provide detailed and clear requirements for the project from the outset. This helps sellers understand your expectations and minimizes the risk of miscommunication or misunderstandings.
  2. Reasonable Expectations and Flexibility: Set realistic expectations for the project’s timeline and quality, and be open to reasonable revisions or adjustments if necessary.
  3. Prompt Communication of Issues: If you encounter any issues or concerns with the seller’s work or communication, address them promptly and professionally. Open and clear communication can often resolve problems before they escalate to the point of cancellation.
  4. Review Seller Portfolios and Ratings: Before placing an order, thoroughly review the seller’s portfolio, ratings, and reviews to ensure they have the necessary skills and experience to deliver the desired quality of work.

By following these tips, both sellers and buyers can establish a solid foundation for a successful transaction and minimize the likelihood of order cancellations.

Fiverr Policies and Guidelines on Order Cancellations

Fiverr has established policies and guidelines regarding order cancellations to ensure a fair and transparent process for both sellers and buyers. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Resolution Center: Fiverr strongly encourages sellers and buyers to use the Resolution Center to resolve disputes and initiate cancellations. This process allows both parties to communicate and reach a mutually agreeable solution before escalating the issue to customer support.
  2. Timeframes: Fiverr adheres to specific timeframes for cancellation requests. If the other party fails to respond within 48 hours, the order is automatically canceled.
  3. Valid Reasons for Cancellation: While Fiverr understands that cancellations may be necessary in certain circumstances, they expect both parties to provide valid reasons for the cancellation request. Frivolous or unjustified cancellations may result in penalties or account suspensions.
  4. Refunds and Fees: Depending on the circumstances of the cancellation, Fiverr may issue refunds or charge cancellation fees. These policies are designed to protect the interests of both sellers and buyers and ensure a fair resolution.
  5. Impact on Metrics: As mentioned earlier, order cancellations can impact a seller’s order completion rate and other performance metrics, which can affect their visibility and rankings on the platform.
  6. Customer Support Intervention: In cases where the buyer and seller cannot reach an agreement, or if there are suspected violations of Fiverr’s terms of service, either party can contact Fiverr’s customer support team for assistance. The support team will review the case and facilitate a resolution if necessary.

Both sellers and buyers need to familiarize themselves with Fiverr’s policies and guidelines regarding order cancellations. This knowledge can help ensure a smooth and transparent cancellation process and prevent any misunderstandings or disputes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I cancel an order by mistake?

If you accidentally cancel an order on Fiverr, you can contact the other party (seller or buyer) and explain the situation. If they are willing to reinstate the order, you can proceed with the transaction. However, if the other party has already taken action based on the cancellation, you may need to place a new order.

How long does it take to receive a refund after canceling an order?

The timeframe for receiving a refund after canceling an order can vary depending on the payment method used and Fiverr’s review process. In general, refunds for canceled orders are processed within a few business days, but it may take up to 7-14 days for the funds to reflect in your account.

Can a seller cancel an order after delivering the work?

In most cases, sellers cannot cancel an order after delivering the work and marking it as complete. If there are issues with the delivered work, it’s recommended that the buyer initiates a revision request or contacts Fiverr’s customer support team for assistance.

Once an order is marked as complete, canceling it becomes more complicated, and sellers typically cannot initiate the cancellation process themselves. However, there are a few exceptions where a cancellation may be possible after delivery:

  1. Mutual Agreement: If both the seller and the buyer agree to cancel the order after delivery, they can initiate a mutual cancellation through the Resolution Center. This may occur if there are significant issues with the delivered work or if the buyer’s requirements have changed substantially.
  2. Fiverr Support Intervention: In rare cases, Fiverr’s customer support team may facilitate a cancellation after delivery if there are valid reasons, such as violations of Fiverr’s terms of service, fraud, or other exceptional circumstances.

In these situations, sellers should provide detailed explanations and supporting evidence to justify the cancellation request. Fiverr’s support team will review the case and determine the appropriate course of action.

Tips for Handling Revisions and Disputes

Instead of canceling an order after delivery, it’s generally recommended to handle revisions and disputes through proper channels. Here are some tips:

  1. Revisions: If the buyer requests revisions or changes to the delivered work, sellers should try to accommodate reasonable requests within the scope of the original order. Fiverr allows for a certain number of revisions, and completing revisions promptly can help avoid cancellations or disputes.
  2. Communication: Maintain open and professional communication with the buyer throughout the revision process. Clarify any misunderstandings or address concerns to find a mutually agreeable solution.
  3. Resolution Center: If revisions fail to resolve the issue, both parties can use the Resolution Center to facilitate further discussion and potentially reach a compromise or agree on a cancellation.
  4. Customer Support: If the Resolution Center fails to resolve the dispute, either party can contact Fiverr’s customer support team for assistance. Provide clear explanations, evidence, and documentation to support your case.

Handling revisions and disputes professionally can often lead to a satisfactory resolution without the need for cancellations after delivery, which can negatively impact both parties.


Canceling an order on Fiverr can be a necessary step in certain circumstances, but it should be approached with care and consideration for both parties involved. By understanding the reasons for cancellations, following the proper steps, and adhering to Fiverr’s policies and guidelines, sellers and buyers can navigate the cancellation process smoothly.

Cancellations affect both parties, impacting sellers’ ratings and visibility, and delaying refunds for buyers. Clear communication and adherence to best practices minimize cancellations.

Fiverr’s Resolution Center and customer support team are available to assist in resolving disputes and facilitating cancellations when necessary. However, it’s always better to attempt to resolve issues through open communication and mutual understanding before resorting to cancellations.

By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, both sellers and buyers can create a positive experience on Fiverr, build trust and credibility, and foster successful long-term relationships within the freelancing community.

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